Dr. Seuss Workbooks
With these colorful, entertaining
workbooks--packed with games, activities, (and even Seussian stickers!) children can have
"fun that is funny" while they're learning how to wrangle words and numbers.
Click on a book title to buy it new or used from amazon.com.
Did I
Ever Tell You How High You Can Count?: Learn About Counting Beyond 100 - Click here for details
Learning to count beyond 100 is made easy and entertaining with
this booklet from the Dr. Seuss Beginner Fun series. Exercises include connecting the dots
between ascending numbers, circling the highest number, filling in the missing numbers of
a series, or placing a numbered sticker in its corresponding place. |
The Things You Can Say From A To Z (A Dr. Seuss Beginner Fun Book, Preshool - Grade 1) -
Click here for details
A perfect sendoff for children, 1 to 100, entering any new phase of
their lives. Kindergartners, graduate students, newlyweds, newly employeds--all will glean
shiny pearls of wisdom about the big, bountiful future. |
Are Sneetches, Learn About Same And Different (A Dr. Seuss Beginner Fun Book, Preshool -
Grade 2) - Click here for details
The singularly Seussian Sneetches help teach the concepts of same
and different in this 30-plus-page color activity book, which also includes 19 stickers.
Visual recognition of likeness and difference are conveyed through illustrations and
simple text that prompt learning by asking the child to identify and circle, underline, or
mark with an X the unique-looking Sneetch, or draw a line between two like drawings. |
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out ebay.com for unlimited access to all Dr. Seuss workbooks being
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